What a day! We finally have snow! At least for a little bit, then it turned to sleet. Spent most of the day shuffling the kids around to TKD & dance. I know it sounds like I complain about how I'm always driving them around, but it's priceless seeing how much fun they have! Ryu was doing lots of running & kicking & of course sparring at TKD today. Kira practiced her kicks & just kept smiling at her instructors. She loves goes because they treat her like a star. Everyone knows who she is since she's been there since Ryu started & she loves meeting new friends. It also helps that she plays up her cuteness & practically gets away with anything. She makes class fun for everyone!
However, I think Kira was tired by the time we got to dance. She was being a little diva, but after some coaxing she went right back to class & knew most of the routine for her recital in June. I can't wait to watch her! I just wish she'll be coordinated in TKD as she is in dance, so she can take her belt test in February!
The kids & I also enjoyed popcorn & a movie today. Glad we were able to have movie night before they go back to school. I enjoy these everyday moments with them & I'm trying to squeeze them all in before be go back to our normal routine :-)