
Friday, March 25, 2011

Assigntment 3: Filling the frame

This weeks assignment is titled filling the frame.  Our teacher wanted us to take a picture, and from the picture "zoom" in on what would make the picture more special.  At least that was my understanding of the assignment.  He wanted us to "fill in the frame" without having to may distractions in the photograph.  I also learned where the term "snapshot" came from, it's basically taking a picture just to capture the moment, so there can be so many distractions in the photograph and most of the time it's taken from a far trying to get everything in the picture.  So guess that's what our parents and grandparents probably took. I always hated that you couldn't see the people, and I think sometimes the people are more important than the background.  If anyone has ever noticed, most of my photographs are closeups of my kids, and I usually fill the frame with people.  My husband always takes pictures from " a far" and says that you can always zoom in later.  My teacher actually suggested not to do that on this assignment and to get closer to your subject.  So that's what I did.  And to my husband....I told you so!!!

Kira picked out her outfit today.  She really wanted to wear her summer dress from last year.  Unfortunately, it is still cold & I had to compromise with her that if she wore that dress, she would also need a sweatshirt and pants to go with it.
She loves her dress so much that she held onto it as she slept!

1 comment:

  1. you cut off her feet! haha. nice close up of the hand/dress.

    yes, cropping later compromises the quality of the photo (more pixelized, I don't think that's the technical term, but you know what I mean)
