He is so strong that 4 blocked arteries didn't keep him from doing the things he loved, I feel that the flu last month took it's toll & weakened him. The doctors couldn't believe that he has never lost consciousness & was able to be coherent to call an ambulance. I' m glad that it was caught in time before any major damage could happen.
I admit that I was really scared. Being a nurse, you know all the worse case scenarios & at times like this I would be happy to live in ignorance. My dad is everything to me & I could never imagine my world without him. I'm just so thankful that he is a fighter & got through this. He is the rock in our family & to see him hooked up to all these tubes frightens me. Even Kira was too scared to go near her beloved Lolo. We are just not used to seeing him like this.
The next 3 months will test our strength as a family & now is the time for us to be my dad's "rock" after all these years.
Thanks to all our family & friends for their prayers & for visiting him. He has a long road ahead & I know he appreciates all your love & support.
I love you dad!!!

So sorry Eliza. That is really scary but I'm glad he is dioing well and beginning the path to recovery. Prayers for him and for you, friend:)